Lorenzo Rocco Gangala, a former star of the reality television show Jerseylicious, has passed away, as confirmed by former castmates. The show, which highlighted the lives and dramas of salon workers in New Jersey, was a popular staple of reality TV during its run.
Former Jerseylicious co-star Tracy DiMarco took to Instagram to share the news, posting a heartfelt tribute to Gangala, including a touching then-and-now photo collage of the two.
As of now, no cause of death has been disclosed.
Gangala played a prominent role on Jerseylicious but departed in 2012, five years before the show concluded. Following his exit, Gangala pursued a career as a landscape and construction supervisor in New York. A proud Italian-American, Gangala was known not just for his on-screen charisma but also for his work ethic and business acumen. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Rutgers University–Newark.
In August of last year, Gangala survived a life-threatening motorcycle accident in East Orange, New Jersey. The incident, which involved two motorbikes, left Gangala in critical condition. Photos he shared on social media from that time depicted the harrowing extent of his injuries. Reflecting on the ordeal, Gangala expressed deep gratitude for his recovery, crediting his survival to divine intervention.
“On August 27, my life completely changed,” he wrote on Instagram. “Some may say I was lucky, but the truth is, I was saved by the mercy of God and God alone.”
Gangala openly shared how the accident deepened his faith, inspiring him to reconnect with his spirituality. “If this post helps one or two people get closer to God, then I’ve done my job. Appreciate every day you have because every day is a blessing. If God saved a sinner like me, He will do the same for you.”
Gangala's death has left a void for those who knew and loved him, both on and off the screen. Fans and friends continue to share their condolences and memories of the man who touched many lives with his resilience, faith, and unforgettable presence.